Saturday, December 29, 2012

Belated Christmas Post

2012 family holiday was to Sydney. Big trips away are planned for every 5 years, so it was only a short stay this time. Nice to escape the 30+ degree heat for a few days. Spent our time chasing after 3 kids and forgot to take more photos :(

Chinese Garden of Friendship with the kids. Mr J spent his time chasing the koi. Both Miss I and Miss S were just happy playing in the garden.

 Husband driving us home. Not sure I will even get used to say that. He did all the driving while I play Plants Vs Zombies on the Ipad. I am such a good wife.

Could barely get a shot of the kids. They thankfully didn't wake at the crack of dawn. Wanted to dive in straight away. Family tradition is to get Dad to hand out each one and they can open their own. Too many years of each child wanting to "help" the other one. 

New Starbucks mug of coffee to help get through all the Christmas cooking. 


Night before shot of the baked French Toast. New family tradition. I had been doing a 3 cheese strata with bacon for years, but it was just too much before Christmas lunch. Found the recipe on Instagram.

Baked breakfast. So delicious. Kids ate two servings with maple syrup.

Random smiling pear.

Coca cola baked Ham bubbling away. 


Christmas graveyard. Seriously I love prawns but if I never have to shell one again, I will be very happy.

29th of December Resolution

2012 has been an interesting year. I very rarely make new year resolutions and if I do, I don't ever manage to follow through.
So I am making a 29th of December resolution. Realistically I started this yesterday.
I have, for as long as I remember, always second guessed what I was doing. At times I think I am doing something wrong, won't start something or quit half way through because I see no real point to what I am doing.

Even while painting yesterday I had to consciously force myself to continue. Because in my mind there is no real worth of making mail art. It could possibly make the recipient happy & it is a relaxing activity, but realistically there is no real worth to it. It doesn't help me with uni, doesn't help me with work, and although it affords me creative time with my children, I wonder if I should be doing something more productive with them. That thinking spreads over other aspects of my life as well. I should be doing more reading, why bother. Should be replying to letters, why bother. Should probably clean the shed, why bother. Even while writing this I have stopped a number of times and questioned why I would put this out online.

So I am starting to make small steps to change this way of thinking from today (though technically yesterday).
So to my 4 followers, I will endeavour to do more creative things and update the blog more regularly.
Off to research ways to fit in art while working a full time job ^-^

Also planning on adding a simple list each time I send out a letter at the very least. Will list pictures if I remember to take one.

Mail Art

1.Watercolour mixed in ice cube tray
2. Vintage golden day books
3. Envelopes painted by Miss I & Miss S
4. Golden day envelope
5. Golden day envelope
6. Golden day envelope
7. Golden day envelope
8. Watercolour on old music sheets & Shakespeare pages.
9. Washi tape envelopes
10. Watercolour and ink rainbow envelope
11. Doodles on envelopes
12. Headphones

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Smelly Samsonite

Have hunted everywhere for the perfect little bag to carry around writing supplies.
Obviously from room to room in the house, but also on the rare train trips I take to Sydney.
Found a genuine black Samsonite hand luggage bag.
Still has insert, keys lost, but it is in perfect condition. Just one issue. It stinks. Oh lordy it stinks so bad. Like 30+ years of medicine cabinet smells. Thinking I will try baking soda. Love it, but it smells.



Sunday, December 16, 2012

This week in pictures

1. Christmas tree decorated by the kids.
2. Urania leilus "Peacock Moth" Peru
3. Letter and goodies from the lovely Sarah 
4. Catching  up on mail
5. Cider reward
6. New pieces for glass collection. Finally managed to get all the dried candle wax out.