Monday, February 11, 2013

Letter Mo and Op Shops

Received my first #LetterMo letter on Friday. Very exciting.
Have sent out quite a few letters and postcards for both #LetterMo and my regular letter writing. Forgot to take photos though. So here is a shot of today's postcards.

First week back at uni has been rather hectic. Lots of planning, time management and of course reading. So much reading. Have only had one tutorial, but we spent the whole 2 hours discussing graffiti and whether it was art or not. Fantastic to be in classes with 3rd year students, no one has been hung over in class etc. Will see how the year goes.
Friday was class free so I happily spent the day doing mail art & of course the rounds of local op shops.  

1. Postcards out for #lettermo
2. Pearl tea of doom
3. Op shop bag of wool. Can't wait for winter
4. New tea cup
5. Catching up on letters
6. Vistaprint order on the way!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Tattoos and Tea

So after having a little vent on a parenting forum re a filthy stare I got from a complete stranger, I was able to find out other people's views on tattoos. Some close minded, some with the utterly ridiculous "what happens when you are 80", and other like-minded people who agreed with me when I said, having a sleeve of tattoos does not make me any less of a married university educated home owner with 3 healthy happy children.
From that vent has come quite a few recommendations for types of tea (because tea and tattoos just go together). Will be looking at doing tea swaps with my penpals very soon.
Now need to finish my Irish tea and get back to cleaning this office in prep for uni and of course letter writing.

1. Miss I taking a photo of me painting
2. My big girl Ruby
3. My little girl Sugar
4. Tea!